Friday May 14th
11 am
Lincoln Book Festival, Lincoln Drill Hall, Lincoln
Festival Box Office tel 01522 873 894
£4 (£2 concessions)
History panel: Law and disorder: How to make an impression throughout history.
With Giles Kristian, author of Sons of Thunder, and Manda Scott, author of Rome: The Emperor’s Spy
Tuesday May 18th
7.00 pm (tickets on sale at the door from 6.30 pm)
Royal Overseas League, Over-Seas House, Park Place, St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR
tel 0207 408 0214 ext 324 or email
Illustrated talk: The Yoshiwara and the world of Japanese courtesans
Call for details
Saturday June 26th
3.00 pm
Ipswich Arts Festival
Details to follow

Tuesday June 29th
7.45 pm
Chichester Festivities
History panel: Law and disorder: How to make an impression throughout history.
With Giles Kristian, author of Sons of Thunder, and Manda Scott, author of Rome: The Emperor’s Spy
Details to follow
Wednesday July 14th
Blackburn Library
History panel with Giles Kristian and Manda Scott, as above.
Details to follow
Watch this space!
Hello I see your in Chichester on the 29th june, but no other details? Hving read some of your books and enjoyed them I would be please to see/hear you, I share ur passion for Japan ,
Thank you for reading this please contact me with any details about this trip to Chichester,