Forthcoming lectures:
Saturday June 26th
3.00 – 5.00 pm
Ipswich Literary Tea,
Ipswich Arts Festival,
Arlington Brasserie,
Box Office 01473 433100
£8 (£6 concessions)
Law and disorder: Making an impression throughout history.
Discussion over tea and cakes with Giles Kristian, author of Sons of Thunder, and Paul Sussman, author of The Hidden Oasis.

Tuesday June 29th
7.45 pm
Chichester Festivities
History panel: Law and disorder: How to make an impression throughout history.
With Giles Kristian, author of Sons of Thunder, and Manda Scott, author of Rome: The Emperor’s Spy
Details to follow
Wednesday July 14th
Blackburn Library
History panel with Giles Kristian and Manda Scott, as above.
Details to follow
Watch this space!