Romantic Novel of the Year
Bestselling author Cecelia Ahern is one of the six authors shortlisted for the Romantic Novel of the Year 2009, which is organised by the Romantic Novelists’ Association. The final six novels are currently being read by a panel of three judges, who will select the winner in time for the presentation at the Awards Lunch to be held on 10th February 2009 at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington.

This year’s award has a truly international flavour, with authors living far afield and books set in Japan, Canada, India, Dublin and Skye. Cecelia Ahern, whose hero is American, comes from Ireland. She is joined by Susanna Kearsley, who hails from Canada , and Linda Gillard, who lives in Glasgow. England is well represented by Lesley Downer, based in London, Judith Lennox from Cambridgeshire and Julia Gregson, whose shortlisted novel was one of Richard and Judy’s summer reads, from Monmouthshire.
The shortlisted novels are:
Thanks for the Memories – Cecelia Ahern (Harper Collins)
The Last Concubine – Lesley Downer (Transworld/Bantam)
Star Gazing – Linda Gillard (Little, Brown/Piatkus)
East of the Sun – Julia Gregson (Orion)
Sophia’s Secret – Susanna Kearsley (Allison & Busby)
Before the Storm – Judith Lennox (Headline Review)
Lesley Downer says: “I’m thrilled and flattered to have been shortlisted. I grew up with Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice and hugely enjoyed creating a romantic world of my own. I found it utterly gripping to write about a society which has no concept of romantic love. It made it all the clearer what a powerful and primeval force love is.” Readers agreed, saying, “a real magic carpet of a book… truly moving… a hero to die for…couldn’t put it down.”
The panel with the difficult task of picking a winner from this page-turning collection of romantic novels comprises Alice O’Keeffe, Books Editor at the Bookseller, Fanny Blake, Books Editor of Woman & Home, and Peter Crawshaw, who runs Lovereading.co.uk.
Hi Lesley – enjoyed your book and learnt an awful lot about Japan – and why not link to Lovereading – where people can buy your book as well as reading an Opening Extract!
See you at the awards lunch on 10th Feb
Best regards
Hi Lesley,
Just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to meet you last week in London, and how honoured I am to share the shortlist with you. I spent time in Japan myself as a teenager and am very much looking forward to reading your book before we meet up again at the luncheon!
With my very best,
Hi Lesley
Firstly, I introduce my self: My name is Cahya from Indonesia (I hope you recognize my country). And I just read your book in Indonesia language, it’s very awesome. I did not believe it that the writer is came from outside Asia.
I choose your book because I miss very much Japanese litterature, btw I’m also fans of Eiji Yoshikawa, so when I read this book, all my thoughts dreamed about the land of warrior same like Eiji’s description.
Thank you for bringing it back, I wait for your next amazing work.
Ciao, Cahya
You woz robbed, Lesley!